Imagine all your services, promotions, & products integrated into a gamified user experience that instantly rewards gamers for doing what they love. That's the Gamer Suite. Think of it like your own ‘Gamer Sim’ that gives you a powerful value proposition for your users: “Subscribe and earn rewards while you play.”
Telcos spend big on advertising but still struggle with retention and are stuck in a price war. The next evolution is finding tailored value propositions for each major demographic. Gamers are simple: they want instant rewards with real value - that's how games work. The Gamer Suite allows you to directly engage with them in their way, in a language they understand: Gamified community experiences.
The problem with current gaming engagements is you don’t own the experiences, and you aren't in the forefront of their minds; someone else's platform is. The Gamers Hub allows you to take an active role in gamer lifestyles by creating engagements in their natural habitat while seamlessly tying your product messaging to every stage of their user journey.
Retain users by instantly rewarding their engagement with digital collectables they can exchange for real benefits linked to your products and services.
Token-gating is a toolbox that gives you limitless opportunities to monetise. Create a reward economy & integrate partner products into your digital collectible rewards as part of sponsorships & promotions. You can even sell passes to unlock premium content. Best of all, EIG will manage the entire strategy for you.
The more a user interacts, the more data you get. From connected game services data to favourite games and play-times, understand who they are as gamers to create targeted plans & campaigns tied to gamification.
Use the Gamers Passport to incentivise individuals, communities, & organizers to host their tournaments on your platform. Reward them with digital collectibles, product promotions, & experiences for each tournament, turning their community engagement into tangible benefits.
Have questions? Need advice? Want to explore opportunities?
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